

FSNotes 6.1.3

, Application, Utilities

FSNotes is a plain-text note manager for macOS, and is modern reinvention of notational velocity (nvALT) on steroids. Our application respects the


iCollections 8.0.3 (80303)

, Application

iCollections is an expertly designed application which helps you keep your desktop organized. The app’s unique features are what make it the most popular

Luminar Neo

Luminar Neo 1.6.4 (13882) U2B

, Application

Luminar Neo is an AI-driven creative image editor. A creative image editor to bring your ideas to life. Have you ever wanted to achieve more with your

iStat Menus for Mac

iStat Menus 6.70 (1214)

, Application, Utilities

iStat Menus lets you monitor your system right from the menubar. Included are 8 menu extras that let you monitor every aspect of your system. iStat Menus

iCompta Pro

iCompta Pro 6.0.62 (1375)

, Application, Finance

iCompta is an application that lets you manage your accounts with ease. Keep track of your income and expense, schedule your bills, stay in line with

Find Any File (FAF)

Find Any File (FAF) 2.4 b3

, Application

Find Any File searches your local disks for files by name, creation or modification date, size, or type and creator code (not by content, though


Vellum 3.4.3

, Application

Vellum is an eBook-generating tool that lets you easily create an eBook from a text manuscript or from scratch within the application. Choose the


PowerPhotos 2.1.7 b1

, Application, Photography

PowerPhotos – The ultimate toolbox for Photos on the Mac. PowerPhotos works with the built-in Photos app on your Mac, providing an array of tools

Keep It

Keep It 2.1.9

, Application, Developer Tools

Keep It is for writing notes, keeping web links and documents, and finding them again. Available on Mac, and as a separate app for iPhone and iPad

OmniFocus Pro 3.14.4

, Application, Productivity

OmniFocus Standard and Pro are in-app purchases, with discounts for people who bought earlier versions of OmniFocus for Mac through the Mac App Store.