Blocs 2.2.1

Name: Blocs 2.2.1
Size: 26.43 MB
Files Blocs 2.2.1/Blocs 2.2.1 (143).dmg (26.43 MB)
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Name: Blocs for Mac
Version: 2.2.1
Release Date: 07 Oct 2016
Mac Platform: Intel
OS version:OS X 10.10 or later
Processor type(s) & speed: 64-bit
Includes: Pre-K’ed
Pre-K’ed (Courtesy of Team TNT)
Web Site:

Focused on simplicity, Blocs brings a fresh new approach to building modern, quality, static websites without the need to understand or write code.
・Simplicity Blocs subtracts the need to write code meaning everyone can build websites.
・Quality Blocs generates good quality organized code with no clutter or inline styles.
・Clarity Blocs delivers a new level of clarity and focus helping you build websites faster.
・Intuitive Blocs has many time saving features such as smart swatches and auto type colouring.
・Fast Blocs really is insanely fast, you can build full webpage layouts in minutes.
・No Coding You don’t need to understand or use any coding to build a website with Blocs.
・Bootstrap 3 Blocs builds using Bootstrap 3 one of the most reliable and proven frameworks.
・Responsive Because Blocs builds following page flow, sites are responsive with no extra work.
・Web Fonts Blocs has a curated list of Google Web Fonts that you can easy use in your sites.
・Unlimited Websites Since Blocs is an actual desktop app you can build as many websites as you like.
・Pre-Made Blocs Blocs comes with many pre-made layouts, so building and prototyping is super fast.
・Retina Support Blocs has retina support, so you can enjoy every pixel on your Macs retina screen.
・Easy to Use Blocs is one of the easiest website building tools, anyone can build with Blocs.
・Beautiful Not only is Blocs a great tool to use, it’s also one you can enjoy to look at.
・Works Offline Unlike so many other website building tools Blocs actually works offline.
・Beginner Blocs is easy to understand and use. Its simplicity will encourage you to take your first steps.
・Designer Blocs lets you easily build and style great looking websites without the need to write a single line of code.
・Developer Blocs generates good quality, clean code. This makes it the perfect springboard to get the basics in place, fast.
What’s New in Version 2.2.1:

New Additions
・Added support to select Panel and Forms from contextual select Parent Menu
・Changed order of Select Parent contextual menu so the closest parent is the first choice
・Minor improvements to preview in browser – Processes less tasks than necessary
・Improved some in app notifications to be more helpful
Fixed Bugs
・Issue that caused window toolbar to be visible in drop mode and paint mode
・Issue that caused paint mode markers to not show on some objects
・Issue that caused buttons to break when minifying html
・Issue that prevented Blocks being moved out of top global area
・Issue that caused carousels to not start on slide one
・Issue that caused sitemap links to have uppercase letters in page urls
・Issue that caused cropped edges on images when bloc is set to edge to edge with no row gutters
・Issue that caused navigation links to not be updated when page name changed
・Issue that caused navigation items to overlap logo on when too many menu items added – (tablet breakpoint)
・Issue that caused Menu Manager menu items to not update when page name changed
・Issue that caused selected page drop down to revert to first page if page name is changed
・Issue that caused unwanted space at tablet breakpoints on some pre-made hero Blocs
・Issue that caused youtube videos to have the control=0 attribute removed from url


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