Arduino Uno IDE v1.6.8

Arduino Uno IDE
Name: Arduino Uno IDEV1.6.8 Mac OSX Installer
Size: 146.7 MB
Files Arduino Uno IDEV1.6.8 Mac OSX Installer/Changelog.txt (18.24 kB)
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Name: Arduino Uno IDE
Version: 1.6.8
OS Version: OS X 10.7 Lion or newer
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The open-source Arduino Software (IDE) makes it easy to write code and upload it to the board. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. The environment is written in Java and based on Processing and other open-source software.
What’s New in Version 1.6.8

ARDUINO 1.6.8 – 2016.03.09
* Added support for GUI interface scaling for UHD monitors.
Thanks to all contributors and testers:
* Editor position is saved when closing with Alt+F4 or clicking on the “X” button. Thanks @willie68
* Fixed a NullPointerException when dealing with some rare combination of package_*.json files
* Fixed incorrect key bindings handling for changing tab. Thanks @matthijskooijman
* MacOSX: Fixed handling of add indent/remove indent shortcuts (CMD+[ and CMD+])
* Fixed incorrect update of available libraries in Library Manager. Thanks @vicnevicne
* Serial plotter now correctly resize graphs with negative values. Thanks @vicnevicne
* Improved sketch preprocessor when handling C++11 keywords. Thanks @matthijskooijman @igrr
* Updates to keyword pigmentation to match Create
* Fixed display of LITERAL1 keywords
* Added target board information when “Error compiling” message is displayed. Thanks @PaulStoffregen
* avr: fixed USB_SendControl(…) for buffer with len > 64. Thanks @NicoHood
* avr: fixed yield() usage inside delay(). Thanks @vbextreme
* sam: fixed USB descriptor length
* avr: reduced boiler-plate for ISR declarations. Thanks @paulo-raca
* avr: added Timer3 support for atmega1284/1284p. Thanks @feilipu
* sam: added USB CDC send break support and readBreak API
* Added support for Arduino/Genuino 101 to: TFT, Ethernet, SD
* SD: the library is now board-agnostic. Thanks @feilipu


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