Monthly Archives ForJune 2019


FastScripts 2.7.8

, Application, Utilities

FastScripts is a utility for quickly and elegantly executing AppleScript and shell scripts from within any application. FastScripts is a super-charged

Tidy Up 5

Tidy Up 5.2.0

, Application

With Tidy Up you can search for duplicate files and packages by the owner application, content, type, creator, extension, time modified


RazorSQL 8.4.0

, Application, Developer Tools

RazorSQL allows you to query, update, navigate, and manage all major databases from one database tool. With RazorSQL, a SQL query tool, SQL editor

File Juicer

File Juicer 4.77

, Application

File Juicer is a drag-and-drop can opener and data archaeologist. Its specialty is to find and extract images, video, audio, or text from files


Umbrella 1.0.0

, Application

Umbrella reports the duplicates the moment they are created. Forget the boring job of dealing with huge results when using a standard duplicate tool


TextMate 2.0 RC 24

, Application, Developer Tools

TextMate is a versatile plain text editor with a unique and innovative feature set which caused it to win an Apple Design Award for Best Mac OS X Developer


TouchCopy 16.31

, Application, Utilities

TouchCopy lets you copy your music, video, photos, text messages and more from your iPod, iPhone or iPad back onto your Mac or directly into iTunes


Printworks 2.0.8

, Application, Graphics & Design

Printworks is a super-intuitive, all-purpose page-layout and desktop-publishing app. It doesn’t matter what kind of document you need to layout and print


Amadine 1.0.3

, Application, Graphics & Design

Amadine is a vector drawing software with perfectly balanced UI that guarantees smooth workflow and quick learning. The app is perfect for illustrations

PDF Search

PDF Search 7.5

, Application, Productivity

PDF Search is a utility which has a revolutionary search algorithm especially developed for PDF documents. The time to reach the information in your PDF

DropDMG for Mac

DropDMG 3.5.6

, Application, Utilities

Disk images pack entire folders or disks into a single compressed file, either for transport across the Internet or simply for backup. They are Apple’s


EagleFiler 1.8.8

, Application, Utilities

EagleFiler makes managing your information easy. It lets you archive and search mail, Web pages, PDF files, word processing documents, images, and more